Anyways, Summer and I are very busy working on plays and such to keep our fellow dolls happy. It has been very boring (and very cold) here as of late, so we need something to do. I am getting excited for the holidays though! My family celebrates Christmas, and I remember the oranges, cookies, and hot chocolate in fancy glasses that made up our annual Fitzgerald holiday banquet. This year, Ms. B says we will have turkey and green beans, sing Christmas songs, dance, and play games! Now that's my kind of banquet (no offense mom). This Christmas, I am asking for my Shirley Temple doll. Well, alright, I didn't really want my doll at the time I got her, I had asked for money for the homeless... when I opened her I was mad at my mom for not helping the people again, but I said thank you none the less. Then, I came to a small box, inside I found money for the homeless and permission to work at the soup kitchen! Now, I treasure my doll as a reminder of how my Mom and Dad really did care, and of how I was able to finally help the people in need.
Fun Fact:Shirley Temple dolls were introduced in 1934, as Shirley's fame increased. Some are still sold today by danberry mint for collectors.